Century Commercial Services

Keith Estes, President

“I think you have a real winner in this course. I liked it a lot and feel that this would be a value to an organization that is needing to develop leadership skills within their team.”

County of Sacramento

by Chris Cloninger, Training Department

“Rewarding. There are some trainings you go through and by the end of it, you feel like you just want to get out of here and be done with it or that you feel that you did not get out a lot. But with this, I really felt like I got some tangible things that I can use in my day-to-day work. I found it very rewarding. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. ”

Citrus Heights Police Department

James Garing

“I would absolutely recommend this course to a similar company and position. I would tell somebody, no matter what their career goals are even if they do not want to promote. Take the course because it will teach you to be a better follower. If you do want to promote, take the course, it will help you be a better leader.”

Citygate Associates, LLC

Dave Deross, President

“Dr. Merle Switzer is an Executive Coach for the whole business and the whole leader. He is insightful, wise, energetic, highly experienced and supremely organized. Equally capable in the private, public, and non-profit sectors, Merle brings a combination of street smarts, organizational leadership experience, and academic rigor to the table."

Metro Aviation

Ken Dascher

“Just by the fact you have to deal with people at work, you develop strategies without being taught. It is innate. A lot of what I have done was self-taught with trial and error. But with the concepts and knowledge from the online course I am able to quantify it and see what I was doing and move towards becoming a greater leader with the new tools.”